The Remtronix 920S is the go to, best antenna for the Uniden SDS100 & what we recommend.

The Remtronix 920S usurps the uber popular 820S as the be 'king of antennas'. It combines 2 antennas in 1 & replaces the 820S which picks up 700~900 MHz UHF Digital signals AND the 842S which picks up VHF/UHF/800 MHz Tri- Band.

As the 920S picks up 400 MHz & 700~900 MHz UHF Digital there is only need for 1 antenna.

Note: The 820S & 842S are being discontinued & replaced with the 920S.

The 920S is made specifically for the Uniden SDS100 replaces the 'meh' antenna that comes stock. The Uniden SDS100 is 'waterproof' and to achieve this, the stock antenna is just OK and does not maximize reception. The 920S maximizes reception which is why we sell the 920S with most SDS100 and why you'll find so many online mentions.


Can be used on any police scanner, but excels with 700-900MHz UHF bands. If you have a handheld digital scanner and want to increase reception—look no further—this is the one you need.

While scanner reception varies wildly based on location, topography, frequencies, etc. (anything from a roof, a hill, or a strong breeze can interfere). This antenna should increase reception by 25-100%.

6+dB gain over most stock antennas.

Choose SMA, BNC, or elbow connector type above.


    • 920S | SMA End Type | 400 MHz & 700~900 MHz UHF Digital | 9" Flexible Whip , O-Ring
    • 920B | BNC End Type | 400 MHz & 700~900 MHz UHF Digital | 9" Flexible Whip
    • 820S | SMA End Type | 700~900 MHz UHF Digital | 7" Flexible Whip, O-Ring
    • 842S | SMA End Type | VHF/UHF/800 MHz Tri- Band | 8" Rubber
    • 800B | BNC End Type | 700~900 MHz UHF Band | 7" Flexible Whip Rubber Ducky
    • 830B | BNC End Type | 700~900 MHz UHF Band | 8" Flex-Angle Rubber Ducky
    • 842B | BNC End Type | VHF/UHF/800 MHz Tri- Band | 8.5" Rubber
    • 842S | SMA End Type | VHF/UHF/800 MHz Tri- Band | 8" Rubber
    • 843B | BNC End Type | VHF/UHF/800 MHz Tri- Band | 8" Flexible
    • 843S | SMA End Type | VHF/UHF/800 MHz Tri- Band | 8" Flexible

These are 2 way radio antennas and do not work on all police scanner radio.

    • 400U | SMA End Type | UHF 400-480MHz | 2.5" Stub Nose
    • 420UV | SMA End Type | Dual Band VHF/UHF | 2.5" Stub Nose